Monday, June 16, 2014


How gullible can someone be? The answer, apparently, is really.

For the first time in a very long time, I feel fucking lonely. I have always been alone but never lonely. Tonight is a rare exception. I miss a lot of people but I wonder how many of them remember me still.

I'm tired. I really am.

I don't know to turn to who. Somehow, it's like there's no one that I can really open myself up.

I miss the old me. The me that always be by myself only, that cares for no company and survives nonetheless. I want the old me that can go out and walk around the mall alone for hours and never feel lonely.

I still miss u, u know. I put up a strong front. I act like it doesn't matter much to me but if not because of these meds, I wonder if I would be able to sleep. I just want u to know that the past three months have been really wonderful for me. I'm happy and I wish u are as well with me.

U may have not been the first guy I fall in love with but u are definitely the first one I fall into really deep. To put it in another way, u are the first one that made me lost sleep and teary.

Right now, I just want your embrace.