Monday, March 18, 2013


I should.........nah, MUST stop make a fool of myself.
It has been a one-sided thing for quite a long time already, only me refused to accept it and kept viewing it the way I wanted it to be.

Months passed.
The 1st month I gave the benefit of doubt, out of shyness with a new one out of sudden.
Took the initiative every time just to prove that it's okay, that I am open to it.

But when it continued without any progress from the other, may be time to evaluate the situation again.

Maybe all these while, it was done just out of courtesy, just to reciprocate because I have done it, not from own desire. How stupid I have look like if it is really that way. How desperate it must seem to me.

I'll stop. I'll wait. but the flame is dwindling off and sooner or later, it may go off forever.

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