Friday, April 19, 2013


We agreed to be friend again, without benefit. Just like how we used to be before we started be touchy touchy.

But we both know it is almost impossible. At that time, u treated me well because u had feeling for me, u had a crush on me. U didn't mind drive all the way here just for dinner with me or pick me up so that I can accompany u while u completed ur assignment.
From my side, even though I didn't have feeling yet towards u at that time, I still treated u as well as u did to me because I finally found someone that I felt like could become a good friend. I miss having one after I lost so many.

But now, u lost that feeling. So tell me, what do u see me as now? My guess is I become just another normal friend; neither close nor good. U started see me as a crush. When u got to fall back, the only available option was just normal friend.
Me...I see u as good friend from beginning til now. So whether the feeling goes away or not, it won't change anything.

After all, when someone who tried to squeeze between his busy schedule to update u on his well-being become someone who find u after he has settled his daily chores, doesn't that tell u everything already?

Just another friend...beggar cant be picky

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